There are a lot of questions we get asked often, so we figured we’d start writing them down 🙂 We’ll continue adding to this as we get more great questions!
Here are some common questions we get: 💪
P.S. Tap on the “toggle” triangle to see answers! If you’re on mobile, tap and hold to open links.
- I’m new, how does SquadHouse work?!
- How can I get access to invites?
- I sent an invite, but they never got it, help!
- Can I take back an invite or redirect it once sent?
- How can I start a club?
- Can I change my username (@handle)?
- Can I change my name?
- Can I change the phone number on my account?
Frequently Asked Questions
Feedback & Questions
Tap and hold to open the links to submit!
🙋 [Submit feedback or a feature request](insert link) (submit feedback on topics here!)
📣 Submit a question for town hall (Sundays at 9 AM US Pacific time)
Updates & Policies
Written on April 28, 2021